January 5, 2013

While I was Home in Ottawa...

{First order of business: a delicious North American-portion brunch with friends at the Mayflower on Elgin St.}
I believe that I have mentioned before my love affair with food and my favourite pastime: eating. Well, one of the main things I looked forward to the most about being back home for the holidays, other than seeing my wonderful family and friends, was the food! Although Hong Kong has its fair share of good food, there were just some things that could only be found in my beloved city of Ottawa. Here are a few pictures of my food adventures while I was home. Not included in this post: the multiple turkey dinners that I consumed over the holiday.

Shawarma (it's the best!) from Shawarma Palace on Rideau St.

Pho from Thu Do on Somerset St. West

Homemade bread and amazing selection of brunch menu items at Jak's Kitchen on Bronson Ave.

Mouthwatering, freshly-made burgers from Hintonburger on Wellington St.

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