September 6, 2012

Hi from Me!

I am not yet sure how I am going to proceed with this blog, but I will be trying my best to publish a post at least every two days. As I slowly get more accustomed to the world of blogging, I ask that you bear with me. Some posts that are coming up might be old news to those of you who have been in touch with me more frequently than others. I apologise in advance if some of the things I post about sound like on-line rants (there have been a couple of instances where I've ranted out loud here - my poor fiancé... and his ears...). They might also just be plain too lengthy/wordy/boring (I like to write novels). I will, however, try to post more pictures for the sake of everyone's time. They do say that pictures are worth a thousand words.

We officially get the keys to our new apartment tomorrow (YAY!). Until we are all settled in (which for me finally means some shopping to complete the place - whoo!), I will not have too much time to write new blog posts. In the meantime, I have scheduled a couple of posts to be published soon, and also, please follow me on instagram (for those of you with smart phones, look for "ivyo13") and twitter for more frequent (re: short) updates from me.

À bientôt!

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