October 9, 2012

East Meets West

{Ryan Emond's "Moments in China"}

Alright, so I guess that I am kind of a fan of Ryan Emond (he is awesome!)... Here is a video that he shot of numerous locations in China. It made me appreciate my new home all that much more, and has inspired, perhaps, some future trips around the country!


We recently had some of my fiancé's classmates over at our flat and decided to show the video of Ottawa that we loved so much. Afterwards, someone requested to see this one of Toronto. While watching what my fiancé and I knew to be footage of the CN Tower, one of his classmates mistook it to be a tower in her hometown of Shanghai! It was very interesting to hear from some of my fiancé's friends that Toronto reminded them a lot of Hong Kong and Shanghai, the cities that they are from. It was odd to hear someone make such a remark about Toronto, a city that I feel is completely different from Hong Kong (I've never been to Shanghai). The similarities between Toronto and Hong Kong that our friends listed were: the amount of tall buildings and their close proximity with each other, and the waterfront. I have to admit, some of the footage did remind me of some views that I see everyday here which made our Western city very comparable to the Eastern one that we are currently living in. One thing that will always remain different about the two cities, though: crossing the street in Toronto is a lot easier than it is in Hong Kong!


  1. So cool! I watched all of his videos, thanks for sharing Ivy

  2. You're welcome, Andrew! I am so glad that my post has exposed to Ryan Emond's amazing videos and am thankful for you taking the time to read my blog.
