October 26, 2012

Some Much Needed TLC

{The hair that I came to Hong Kong with}
My poor hair has been suffering as a result of the sweltering heat and extreme humidity here in Hong Kong, but also because of my fear of getting my hair done by someone that I do not trust. I am quite averse to change (hence why it is taking me so long to truly embrace my new home), so I have been getting relatively the same haircut since the age of twelve, and I've been seeing the same hairdresser for over six years. Before I left for Hong Kong, I made sure to get my hair cut nice and comfortably short so that I could avoid having unfamiliar pairs of scissors going anywhere near my head before I (hopefully) go home for Christmas. My hair colour, however, was another issue. Hair can grow out and look wonderful (for girls, only, as my fiancé figured out with his own hair growing too long), but coloured hair does not work out so well. 
{I love my new, but subtle highlights from Hipp.Fish. My hairdresser mixed up and applied three different tones to accomplish the look}
We have been researching online in forums and asked around for a good hair salon to go to that could remedy our less than spectacular manes of hair. The result: Hipp.Fish, a salon found at 32 Staunton Street in the trendy and fun SoHo district, whose employees all come from New Zealand. The main factor in us choosing Hipp.Fish was because we needed someone with experience cutting wavy/curly hair like my fiancé's without butchering it (he's had some bad haircuts). The hairdressers we had were very friendly (as Kiwis are known to be), extremely professional and experienced, and they gave us the TLC that we needed. We loved our experience there, me with my highlights, and my fiancé with his haircut, and will definitely be returning for future maintenance of our locks.

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