October 11, 2012

Tacos, At Last

{This little surprise find in an international grocery store inspired an impromptu, but tasty taco dinner}

Since arriving in Hong Kong, we have mostly been eating Asian food but recently, we have been craving a Tex Mex favourite - fajitas. The challenge, however, was finding the proper ingredients in order to produce such a dish. After some trips to a number of grocery stores, I have determined that finding sour cream, guacamole, and the most important ingredient of all: soft, flour tortillas, is a nearly impossible feat. Imagine our pleasant surprise, though, when we came upon the above box of corn taco shells. "Bingo!", we thought. "Let's make tacos instead!" 

We purchased the necessary ingredients: taco shells, taco seasoning mix, ground beef, cheese and lettuce. Also spotted in the store were tortilla chips and salsa which we, of course, had to pick up, too. Although we were very much lacking in the sour cream and guacamole department, what we did end up coming home with made for a pretty satisfying and delicious change to our now mostly Asian palette.

 {Browning of the ground beef}

 {The minimal spread, ready for the assemblage of our tacos}

{The finished, delicious product}

**Update: I have since located both guacamole and soft flour tortillas! I picked up some chicken breast from the grocery store which were purchased with my coveted Mexican ingredients, plus, we already have peppers and onions in the fridge -- it will be another Tex Mex night sometime this week but with fajitas, instead. Yum!

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