October 13, 2012

Nothing but Glitter

{The view that I stopped to take in during our hike to Tai Long Wan beach}
Looks too beautiful to be a real photograph, non? I would be thinking the same thing if I hadn't witnessed that view myself while hiking to Tai Long Wan beach in Hong Kong last month. What was first sold to my fiancé, our friends and me as a "leisurely, 45-minute walk" to the beach, ended up being a gruelling hike that lasted approximately two hours (not including the the long taxi ride to the hiking trail). The sun was beating down on us, the heat was overwhelming and the hills we climbed were very steep, but our sore feet and sweat-drenched clothes (I felt like I was going to die!) ended up being well worth it after finally making it to Tai Long Wan beach. The beautiful warm sea water, the smooth white sand, and the small amount of people on the beach made for the best day that I've had so far in Hong Kong. 

{All photos by me for Glitter and Grey}

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