December 14, 2012

BBQ in Hong Kong

{The BBQ fare provided to the teachers, students and their parents at the school picnic}
I believe that school picnics are a standard that we can all be used to - at least, when I was in primary school in Ottawa, we had an annual school-wide picnic at Vincent Massey park. When my fellow Canadian colleagues and I were told about our own school picnic with our students and their parents, we were imagining burgers and hot dogs cooked on a grill, just like at home in Canada. Little did we expect that our "BBQ" would not include the usual grill that we are used to firing up during those wonderful Canadian summer months, but what we did have was a metal trash bin, cut in half, with metal mesh wire overtop and hot wood chips placed on top of the contraption for cooking. Another surprise was the food; we did not have the burgers and hot dogs that we were looking forward to. Instead, we had two kinds of fish balls, meat (of which variety, I am not sure) balls, mini cheese sausages, and chicken wings that we had to cook ourselves on forked skewers. Needless to say, I burned the first few batches but I eventually got the hang of it with the help of my students' parents and some practice. Although I kind of liked my first BBQ experience in Hong Kong, nothing beats a nice, juicy burger cooked on the grill (by someone else - preferably my fiancĂ©) back home in Ottawa during the summer.
{My colleague and I did not expect the kind of BBQ that we got}
{Posing for a picture while being careful not to burn this batch}

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