December 22, 2012

Home for the Holidays

{Christmas lights at my parents' house, last year}
I am hopping on a plane to head home for Christmas today. I can't begin to tell you how much I'm looking forward to spending some time with my family and friends. The truth is, my feeling of homesickness has not really gone away, and a little dose of home in Ottawa will hopefully tide me over until I am home again at the end of March, 2013. Until I have officially landed in lovely Ottawa, I will "prepare" myself for the cold (and about 30cm of snow, apparently) by looking at my photos from last winter! 
{Christmas lights at my future mother-in-law's home}
{At the Winterlude festival which happens every February}
{Skaters enjoying the length (it's the world's longest skating rink!) and beauty of Ottawa's frozen Rideau Canal}
{Mackenzie King Bridge, the frozen Rideau Canal, Parliament buildings, the Government Conference Centre, the Convention Centre, and the Château Laurier in the distance}

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