December 15, 2012

The End of an Era (er, phone)

{A picture of me and my brand new iPhone 3GS (at the time) after having purchased it at the Rogers location on Bank St. during the Great Glebe Garage Sale on May 29, 2010}
It is the end of an era - I am officially saying goodbye to my trusty iPhone 3GS which I thought I would have with me at least until I move home to Canada in July 2013. Alas, this is not be, and I will never take another Instagram photo on this phone again (I am imagining sighs of relief from many of my friends right now). However, one must always look at the glass half full... I've just ordered the new iPhone 5 which, according to the Apple website, will be delivered to my flat this upcoming week. Although I was hoping that my phone would survive the year here in Hong Kong with me, I suppose that I will have a new phone with which I can use to document my adventures in Hong Kong (through Instagram, of course... and here come the groans from my friends!).

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