November 24, 2012

Best Dumplings at Din Tai Fung

{My first-ever experience at a Din Tai Fung in Sydney, Australia, last year}
 小笼包 also written as "xiao long bao" (often referred to as steamed buns, or soup dumplings) was a wonderful Chinese specialty that I was happily introduced to last summer (2011) in Sydney, Australia, while visiting my father's side of the family. At Din Tai Fung, the restaurant that served these soup dumplings, I was already quite impressed by the skill and agility with which the men behind the glass was making xiao long bao and noodles by hand, but it was the experience of actually tasting the food that had me floored. 
{All of the food ordered was made fresh, right in front of your eyes}
It was a pleasant surprise for my first bite into the deliciousness that is xiao long bao to allow me to taste the amazing soup that was cooked right inside of the dumpling. Ever since that experience, my family and I have never forgotten about it, especially Mama O, so we tried a "wannabe" Din Tai Fung (the restaurant chose to use the same name) in Toronto recently which I do not recommend. It was only when I was invited by some friends to go to Din Tai Fung in Causeway Bay here in Hong Kong (which was awarded one Michelin star) that I realised the one I went to in Sydney was one of many locations, internationally. Unfortunately, we do not yet have an authentic Din Tai Fung open in Canada, but rumour has it from my B.C. friends, one will be opening in Vancouver, soon! I think a trip to that city is in order once I am home in Canada...
{The food we ordered in Sydney}
{The Michelin star-awarded Din Tai Fung in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong}
{I was not the only person snapping photos away of the yummy food being made}

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