November 10, 2012

Korean BBQ in Causeway Bay

{Korean BBQ at Han Ah Rum restaurant in Causeway Bay}
Back when we lived in Canada, trips to Toronto happened on a fairly regular basis since my sister lives there, and many of fiancĂ©'s friends have also recently relocated to the "T-Dot". A typical trip for us often consisted of at least one meal at the many Korean BBQ spots in the city. It was something that we always looked forward to and have been missing since moving to Hong Kong. Our Korean food cravings were appeased, however, when we went to Han Ah Rum, a Korean restaurant in Causeway Bay on Hennessy Road. The experience was just as I remembered - very satisfyingly delicious (like everything usually tastes when you cook it yourself), and "itis"-inducing. Yum!
{Scallops and ox tongue}
{The plate of raw meat, ready to be grilled}
{Some grilling action}
{Dessert at Yee Shun Milk Company on Lockhart Road in Causeway Bay - steamed milk desserts}

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