November 4, 2012

Halloween in Hong Kong

{Some of my kindergarten students dressed up as cute, little pumpkins}
Halloween this year was quite different from ones past, since it was the first (and will probably be the only) time spent in Hong Kong. Much like one of my friends back home that I spoke to recently, I was surprised to see that the "holiday" was actually observed here. As a kindergarten teacher, I had the pleasure of seeing my students adorably dressed up in all sorts of costumes at school (and got to benefit from their treats as well).
{Being a lame teacher, I did not wear a costume so my colleagues lent me these for the day}
Although I did not take my little cousins trick-or-treating in Ottawa this year, I was able to enjoy Halloween with many familiar faces, anyway. A number of friends from Ottawa and Toronto were coincidentally all visiting Hong Kong at the same time, so taking advantage of this unexpected but very happy event, we all decided to meet up on Saturday night and take part in the Halloween festivities in Lan Kwai Fong. With at least a dozen of us Canadians together, a fun-filled night was had by all. Rather than recount our night in detail, here are a few snippets in .jpeg format for your viewing pleasure. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
{Welcome to Lan Kwai Fong}
{One of our first stops in Lan Kwai Fong with the group was to The Keg, a Canadian establishment as you can see in this picture}
{The crowd}
{Even Lan Kwai Fong was dressed up for the festivities}
{Hanging decorations above our heads}
{Some parents brought their children to Lan Kwai Fong earlier in the night} 
{One of my favourite costumes} 
{Many LKF party-goers were not camera shy}
{Great group costume}
{Plenty of peanuts at Hong Kong Brew House}
{Happy Halloween!}

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